Places to Visit

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Wonderful Giveaway!!

Simply Vinatge Girl is doing a wonderful giveaway over at her blog!!!

Hurry on over and enter!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Living Books from Plants and Pillars: Drums of War ~ Peter Reese Doyle

Living Books from Plants and Pillars: Drums of War ~ Peter Reese Doyle: "All of these books are wonderful. I wish he would write more into the series than just these three. They are wonderful. ..."

Tittering Tuesday

Why does this happen a lot? I don't know. That is one of life's mysteries.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Best of Festival!!!

Best of Festival!!!!

The movie that walked away with the award for

Best of Festival
Uncovering Truth!!!

Produced by Kathryn and Nathaniel Henriques with Oak Mountain Productions.

Their other awards were:
Runner Up: Best Screenplay
Runner Up: Cinematography and Editing
Runner Up: Best Costumes
Winner: Best Directors (team)
Winner: Emily Henriques - Best Actress
Runner Up: Tom Speers - Best Actor
Winner: Best of Festival

Below is a Vimeo movie with clips from their film. As their film is 60 minutes long it is not available right now! :)

This film is one hour long and was the winner for Best of Festival in the 2010 Plants and Pillars Film Festival.

It was produced by Oak Mountain Productions.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Photos, Photos, and more Photos and yet more PHOTOS!!!

160 attendees

Wonderful photo of the Henriques

Erin and Jessica

Tom Speers - Runner Up for Best Actor

Emily Henriques - Best Actress

Rachel Pritchett - Runner Up for Best Actress

Nathaniel and Kathryn - Best Directors

Ashley Tucker - Producer of both the Runner Up and the Winner in the Comedy Category

Rachel Pritchett - Winner of Best Costumes

Jakob Blankenship - Best Actor

Nathaniel Henriques - Runner Up for best Screenplay

Jessica Pritchett - Runner Up for Best Director

Runners Up for Cinematography and Editing

Jonathan Miller - Best Slideshow of Festival

Erin Pritchett - Best Photography

Timothy Winstead receiving for Jef Park the award for Most Educational/Informative Slideshow

JoHannah Miller - Most Personal Slideshow

Halley Hancock filled in for the Oregon Families and received their awards and medals.

Josiah Blakenship - Best Young Sound Effects/ Scary Monster

Ryan Pritchett - Best Young Director

Jamie Pritchett - Winner of Best Young Actress

Sarah Pritchett - Runner Up for Best Young Actress

Michael Pritchett - Winner of Best Young Actor

Rachel Winstead - One of the wonderful Judges

Need I say more?

Our Thank You to all the Judges!!!~

Friday, August 20, 2010

Photos, Photos, and more Photos

The rapt faces of the Boyd Family

Rachel gave out our prizes to all the entrants - clapboard keychains

I love this photo.

Our good friend Lindsay gave Rachel and Michael their awards - although Michael never looked up.

The Cast and Crew of Wednesday Productions

It was apparently beneath Rachel to get ONTO the stage.

I had to announce all the entrants

Jef Park - Mr. Personality

Erin got on and got off. No time to stop.

160 attendees

Jakob, Ren and Josiah Blankenship

And their proud parents!

The sweet Henriques Family

JoHannah and her nephews

Jamie - thinking and pondering

Jessica - speaking in public for the first time

A little cutie pie!!!

Opening Thanks

Mr. Yurii Henriques

A very sweet photo

My dad who broke the ice with a funny joke

Sarah was on the edge of her seat

Family discussion

Photography by Bo Schultz