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Friday, September 21, 2012

International Book Week

It's international book week! Grab the book closest to you, turn to page 52, post the 5th sentence on the page. Don't mention the title. Copy the rules as part of your post.

"Because they want to be convinced."

Comment with the link to your blog post.  :-)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Once Upon a Time

 Once upon a time, there was a little boy without a bike. 
 He dreamed of the perfect bike while his siblings rode.  
He would fly by them and smile. 
 Then he would discover it was all a dream and that he was still on the ground. 
 One day his suspicions that he had the best parents in the world were confirmed. 
 Now he has a bike. 
 Now he rides all day, every day.  Back and forth. 
 He has a really cool bike, with a helmet to match. 
He flies by with the wind in his hair.  And he laughs. 
He is living happily ever after. 
The End. 

September as a Month

September is one of my favorite months... my second favorite.  (October is my first favorite)
 We celebrated 22 years of being a family.
 With a play by the little half.
 Erin and Ryan starred (were extras in) a movie filmed locally.
 While Mommy and Daddy were gone the lightbulb caught on fire...
 Okay not really.  It just smoked....
But, we handled it great!

Bible Bee Update

Erin and Emily competed in the Regional round of the Bible Bee last month.  Emily scored 3rd in their age devision, and Erin scored 1st (with an almost perfect verbal score).

They didn't make it to Nationals.  The kids who make it to Nationals have basically perfect scores in writing and verbal.

That's why we are so proud of Jordan from Ebeneezer Forest Farm for making it!!!  Congratulations Jordan!!!  You are coming to the South.  :-)

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Day in the Life

I thought you all would enjoy a look at our life in the day to day hum-drum, thumb-twiddling, existence of a homeschooling family of ten (that, by the way, was a grammatically incorrect sentence full of sarcasm).

Here is the way our schedule looks on paper:
6:00 - All begin rising, dressing, and preparing for the day
6:30 - Kids on dog duty are out for a walk (younger siblings in tow), and the breakfast person begins breakfast
7:00 - All sit down for breakfast and family devotions
7:30 - Chore time (self explanatory)
8:00 - Bible
8:30  - Desk work
10:30 - Private study work
12:00 - Lunch
12:30 - Chores
1:00 - Quiet work time (reading, music, computer, writing)
4:00 - P.E.
5:00 - House/Yard Work
6:00 - Dinner
After six, anything goes as the rest of the night is devoted to being a family.

Now, weren't you impressed with us and that wonderful schedule?  Come back tomorrow for the schedule the way it actually works!  :-)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

22 Years Ago...

2 people said "I do" so that now, 22 years later, we could look back over the years as a family.  Lots of tears, lots of smiles, a whole lot of love, and 13 children later... 

We love you Mom and Dad!!

Jessica, Rachel, Erin, Emily, Ryan, Jamie, Sarah, Michael and the four in heaven.  

Moments Like This...

And I wonder, "where was I"?