Places to Visit

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Our blog is 4 years old today, and what a fun trip it has been through the years.  I encourage you to look through the archives and laugh with us at all the funny memories.  And remember the memories that struck at our heart.  Life is a bumpy road, but it is so worth it when you know the Lord.

The picture above is our most recent sibling picture.  Left to right is Jessica, Ryan, Jamie, Erin, Sarah, Emily, Michael, and Rachel.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

For your day...


Monday, July 8, 2013

Mouths and Meat

She asked me yesterday,  "how do you feed a family that size?"  She refered to us or to our friends with 9, 10, or 13 children.  I didn't know how to respectfully reply.

Oh to have Matthew Henry's gift of words.

Children are a heritage and a reward, and are so to be accounted blessings and not burdens; for he that sends mouths will send meat if we trust him.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Filmmaking is hard work!!!  Lots and lots of hard work!!!  But the Film Festival is worth it, at the end of a hot summer!