Places to Visit

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 27

I didn't know if I could do this post, but April 27 is burned into my heart forever.  And now it has happened two years in a row.  2011 and 2014.

And I just want to cry all over again.  Like I did three years ago, and every year since then.


Jesus draw me ever nearer, 
As I labour through the storm.

You have called me to this passage,
and I'll follow, though I'm worn.
May this journey bring a blessing,
May I rise on wings of faith;
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake
Jesus guide me through the tempest;
Keep my spirit staid and sure.
Tittle Home, 2014
When the midnight meets the morning,
Let me love You even more.
Let the treasures of the trial                                  
Form within me as I go - 
And at the end of this long passage,
Let me leave them at Your throne.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Good Morning

Emily sent this to me this morning.  It reminds me so much of our rooster (Crackers) early in the morning.  I'm sure this is what the hens are all thinking!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Changing Lanes

When everything is coming your wayyou're in the wrong lane.”  
Steven Wright 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dance Classes

We were privileged, a few months ago, to be able to take ballroom dancing lessons.  It was so fun to take classes with all our like minded, and super fun, friends!  Enjoy the pictures!

The dance teachers were hilarious, and really sweet.  They worked with a huge crowd really well.

Ryan is pretty much one of the best partners you could have.  He's a good leader and a good dancer, but he's also really funny.  At one point I told him to be serious.  I couldn't dance for laughing so hard!

Mr. Ted and Ms. Karen, dancing the night away.

Precious.  ;-)

Beth Anne has the best laugh and smile!!!

Brothers and sisters make the best photos!

Jamie and Avi paired up to dance - but they kept forgetting who was supposed to be the "guy".

Laughing on the arm of her brother.

Sweet Rachel - she always has a smile.

Game face for the line dancing

They would start out slow, everyone is smiling.

Then they would get fast, and you would have to concentrate!  But line dancing is really fun!

Here's Jamie dancing and smiling.

And here's Jamie just smiling.  She smiles a lot!