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Monday, July 13, 2009

Day one of filming - pictures

Oldest Sister (as Mrs. Long) and Third Sister (as Lady King) practicing.

Lady King relaxing!

Middle Sister (as Laura) also filmed the scenes she was not in!

Relaxing a.k.a goofing off!

l to r - Oldest Sister (Mrs. Long), Second Sister (Lizzy Long), and
Third Sister ( Lady King)

The Longs Living Room!

The Tea Set!
After all until the Tea Act they drank tea - a lot!

Second Sister (as Lizzy) trying her best to remember those lines!

Lizzy's Desk

Lizzy dressed to a turn!
Second Sister also does the costumes!
These costumes she put together from stuff we already had, but the costumes later on she made herself. However she did make the caps!

posted by Oldest Sister

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