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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bad Photos, but a Good Time!

We are now getting to play in the orchestra at our church on Sundays!! We are having an unbelievably good time!!! We just played our second Sunday and it was GREAT!!! I love it!!



I don't know what ANYBODY was doing in the first picture! Erin is hiding and everyone else is laughing. Who knows?


Jon said...

Good luck! I stink at playing in groups.

Titus2Mom said...

Oh! Yes!! You were SO horrible when we played at the park! HAHA! You do great... you missed a great night a Bible Study we played bluegrass three hours straight.


Marissa said...

How fun! :)

Jon said...

MAN! Or should I say WOMAN?

Shiloh Strang said...

Wow! That's great that you get to play in your church orchestra!

This past Sunday I performed my first ENTIRE violin concerto (I have played movements of concertos... but this was the whole thing!). "Concerto for 2 violins in D minor" by Bach. It was awesome!


P.S. I'll post pics on our blog soon!