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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Mother's day to GG. By Rachel

O, GG you are great.
And I hope you don't faint
when you read this letter
hope this is the best poem ever.

I hope we see you soon
before the next full moon
I think of you a lot

even though it is really hot.

How has your life been going
I've been doing a lot of sewing
Maybe you should get a dog
but definitely not a hog.

Remember to always smile
while traveling to us all those miles
Happy Mother's Day to you,

I think I just heard a moo.

We celebrate Mother's day as grandmother's day to.



Jon said...

Bravo. Very good. Love the part about the dog too.

JoHannah said...

That was sweet Rach!

Titus2Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titus2Mom said...

Thank you J and Jonathan
I really am a great poet, but I hid it well because I am so quiet.

Jon said...

What was that comment that was deleted? It was not one of mine was it?

Jon said...

you're welcome. Cy'all tomorrow!

Shiloh Strang said...

Nice job Rachel! I like to wrtie poems too! My my most recent is "T'was the Week Before Christmas"...
