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Thursday, May 20, 2010

May I Have This Dance?

I have more photos for later!

I have to say... I LOVED the ball this past weekend!! I loved the fellowship and all the dancing. When we tell people we go to balls, they don't understand what we mean. We mean what it used to be like. Familys fellowshiping with families. Laughter, kindness, and brotherly love. That is what fellowship is.


Shiloh Strang said...


Looks like you had a lot of fun! (I'm sure you did!)


Jon said...

It was awesome! I am the star of one of the pictures! That is a first on y'all's blog

cvntdaddy said...

Jonathon: Are you showing off your new skills in Sign Language?

Jon said...

Hey Mr Pritchett! No. It was just that I was talking 90-nothing and was STILL not talking as fast as I wanted so I was using my hands too.