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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Common Ground Movie Post


Jon said...

That is the first time I have seen them not be able to think of something to fight about.

Jon said...

HOW DARE YOU MAKE RYAN DIE! That is upsetting.

Titus2Mom said...

He does NOT die. He is sick!

Jon said...

Excuse me. Did he do that by his own free will or did you make him?

Jon said...

Hey I just watched it again and realized it's Jonathan!

Titus2Mom said...

1) He is very sweet and does it of his own free will. That's why we keep him!

2)Don't flatter yourself. He was not named after you. I liked the name and wanted (originally) for Michael to be in it and be David (David and Jonathan) but it was not to be. So, now we have JONATHAN!!!


Titus2Mom said...

Okay, maybe he was kind of named for you. Haha!

Jon said...

That's touching. The reason I'm named Jonathan is because Dad is David. So we are David and Jonathan.

Jon said...

That's touching. The reason I'm named Jonathan is because Dad is David. So we are David and Jonathan.

Shiloh Strang said...

Hmmm... I like the barefeet in the barn! :) We've done that around here- just don't let an animal step on your feet... it will hurt for weeks!