Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl by Nathan D. Wilson
Wide-Eyed Wonder in God's Spoken World
I am here to live my story, to love my story. I will not fail to savor any gift out of ta desire for self-preservation. Self-preservation is not a great virtue in this story.
I fill my lungs with the world, with this life, with this gift beyond containing. There is only one thing I can say. Thank you. And I must say it with my life. Through my life.
To the end of my life. And after.
I have searched long and hard for a copy of this book. Ever since reading one of Nate Wilson's other books, I have wanted to read everything else he wrote. I'm slowly adding to that list. I was thrilled to stumble upon this copy on my neighbor's shelf. The pink and white diamonds on the cover are lit with orange bulbs and the pictures and font puts you in mind of a circus. Circus music, circus rides, and circus attendees. Isn't that where we live all over our life?
Why do Christians believe in God? What is it that drives us to believe in a loving creator and his rescued creation? What would we lose if we believed in a Big Bang and an impersonal power? We would lose everything. I was convicted again and again as I read this book about just how much proof exists for the existence of a Creator and his creation. Created in love, judged with justice, and redeemed in grace.
I was also convicted about how self focused we are. Certainly we, as humans, are created in the image of God (something nothing else in Creation has a claim to). But, we are not the only creature on the planet, and God loves the ants and the plants and the planets and the dirt and the rocks and the birds. He created it all and he loves and cares for it all. We lose sight of that when we focus inwardly and self-righteously to ourselves.
The only complaint I have for this book is the language. In very un Wilson like style, Nate Wilson has sprinkled this text with inappropriate language. I believe he was trying to appeal to the secular community, but I found it revolting and un-needed. I recommend a parent or older sibling reading this book with a white out marker before handing it out. There were only a few instances, but he used some strong language. I was very surprise and disappointed that Nate Wilson would include that in his book.
Other than that, I think this is a good book to read - at least once. It may not make it to your "re-read" shelf, but some passages should definitely make it to your quote book.