Places to Visit

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Trailer: Brenden's Fair Isle

Brenden's Fair Isle from Plants and Pillars Film Festival on Vimeo.

Made by: World Changing Productions and Ebeneezer Forest Farm.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Trailer: Hello Kitty and the Death Skunks

Hello Kitty and the Death Skunks from Plants and Pillars Film Festival on Vimeo.
Winner of:

Best Animation: Rachel S. for Hello Kitty and the Death Skunks

Friday, August 26, 2011

My Sister....

Pardon me while I take a short break from Film Festival news and share with you a very funny thing from our family!!!!

  1. In our family we have 3 email address.. I have one for work and friends, Mommy has one and Daddy has one for work.  
  2. Pretty much we all share Mom's.  
  3. Erin has to send emails - to our violin teacher, to Mommy, to me, and to HERSELF!
  4. I have no idea why she sends herself emails. 
  5. Note to self: Pay more attention to Erin in future.  Maybe she feels deprived.
  6. Maybe it's just Erin
  7. Anyway, she made herself a signature for her emails. 
  8. It is as follows:
  9. Erin
    Sent from a regular computer using my mom's email address!
    Note: Any errors in grammar and/or spelling are merely a result of laziness and do not signify a lack of knowledge in those subjects!
  10. She chose this because we would get emails from friends that would say "Sent from my ipod" or "sent from my blackberry"
  11. We have one friend that says, "sent from my andriod... probably with strange typos"
All that to say, I love you Erin and you always keep my life light, happy, cheerful, and never NEVER dull!


Plants and Pillars Film Festival 2011 - The Fellowship

The Fellowship was sweet at the end of the Festival.  Getting the chance to spend time with 212 wonderful people was a wonderful experience!!!

The following photos are just a taste of what we enjoyed on August 18th!  Some photos were taken by Bria C.  and some were taken by Rachel when she stole Bria's camera!

The Miracle of Cooperation

The Miracle of Cooperation from Plants and Pillars Film Festival on Vimeo.
Winner of:
Best Young Writer & Director: Cassie C. for The Miracle of Cooperation

Trailer: Generations to Come

Generations To Come from Plants and Pillars Film Festival on Vimeo.

Winner of:
Best Writer: Lieren S.

Runner Up of:

Best of Festival

Best Editing: (Lieren S. for Generations to Come)

Best Applied Musical Score: (Cinnamon Productions for Generations to Come)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trailer: The Lord is Faithfully Eternal!

The Lord is Faithfully Eternal (LIFE) from Plants and Pillars Film Festival on Vimeo.

Winner of:

Best of Photography: Sarah Jane B. for The Lord is Faithful Eternally

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Plants and Pillars Film Festival 2011 - The Best of Festival

Runner Up for The Best of Festival was:

"Generations to Come" by Lieren S. and family. 

The Winner of Best of Festival was:

"Like Treasure" by Top Bunk Productions. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Plants and Pillars Film Festival 2011 - The Refreshments

Mrs. Kathy from Teaching Good Things sponsored the refreshments after the Film Festival.   She did a wonderful job with everything.  In addition to what she brought, some of the families contributed cookies, brownies, and other snack food to feed all 212 guests.  Thank you Mrs. Brodock for your servant's heart and blessing us with such lovely food!

Photography by Bria Crawford

Friday, August 19, 2011

Plants and Pillars Film Festival 2011 - The Awards

Here is the list of the winners and runners up for each category.   As the photos become available, I will post a photo of the entrants and their trailer on this blog... but for now, here is the complete list.

Best of Photography:  Sarah Jane B. for The Lord is Faithful Eternally

Young Filmmakers (ages 12 and under)
Best Young Writer & Director: Cassie C. for The Miracle of Cooperation
Best Young Cinematography: Sarah P.  for A Trip to the Mailbox
Best Young Editing: Ryan P. for A Boy Scout’s Life
Best Young Applied Musical Score: Jamie P. for Dear Penpal
Best Young Costume: Jamie P.  for Dear Penpal
Best Animation: Rachel S.  for Hello Kitty and the Death Skunks

SHORT FILMS (producer age: 13-18 years / time: under 10 minutes)
Runners Up are in parentheses under the award.

Best Writer: Kelsey H. for Within the Walls
(Nathan L. for They the People)
Best Director:  Asa P.  for The Path Taken
(Joshua H. for Within the Walls)
Best Cinematography:  A Day on the Bike, by Emily P.
(Within the Walls, by Golden Computer Studios)
Best Editing: Within the Walls, by Golden Computer Studios
(Emily P.  for A Day on the Bike)
Best Applied Musical Score:  The Path Taken, by Shakey Films
(Within the Walls, by Golden Computer Studios)
Best Costume: The Path Taken, by Shakey Films
(They the People, by TakeBack Motion Pictures)

FEATURE FILMS (producer age: 13-18 years / time: over 10 minutes)
Runners Up are in parentheses under the award. 

Best Writer:  Lieren S.
(Topbunk Productions for Like Treasure)
Best Director:  Jakob B.  for Like Treasure
(Jessica P. for Centuries Apart)
Best Cinematography:  Topbunk Productions for Like Treasure
(Production staff of Centuries Apart)
Best Editing: Nathan L.  for Legacy of Liberty
(Lieren S.  for Generations to Come)
Best Applied Musical Score: Jessica P.  for Centuries Apart
(Cinnamon Productions for Generations to Come)
Best Costume: Topbunk Productions for Like Treasure
(Rachel P.  for Centuries Apart)
Best Original Music: Nathan L.  for Legacy of Liberty

Runners Up are in parentheses under the award. 
Best Actor:  Jake B.  in Like Treasure
(Zachariah S.  in Generations to Come)
Best Actress: Erin P.  in Centuries Apart
(JoHannah M.  in Centuries Apart)
Best Young Actor: Ryan P.  in Centuries Apart
Best Young Actress: Sarah P.  in Dear Penpal

The Best of Each Category will be in the next post!!!!

Plants and Pillars Film Festival 2011 - part one

The first part of this huge event was setting up.  This involved my family driving to the church and home.  To the church and home.  To the church and home.  To the church... and you get the point.

Setting up sound, chairs, tables, presentations, cameras, scripts, guest lists, movies, and a dozen other things is time consuming.... but we had lots of smiles!

Precious Jamie


Crazy Person I am related to!

Keep watching for updates!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tomorrow at this time....

6:00 pm

Tomorrow at this time, it will come true
A year's work will come to fruition.

A dream realized.

A hope sought.

How quickly it'll be over.

Tomorrow at this time,
I will be nervous
and glad to be standing before over 200 people

Pray for us tomorrow! We will pack and be leaving early. We will prepare, have a photo session, and then great 212 guests.

And then, I will return to the blog world to share the good news with you!!!!

See you then!::)


One Day!!!

Special Tickers

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When Mothering Goes Awry

Picture the sweet family gathered around the table.  All ten people are happily eating their supper.  In a lull in the conversation  (do we ever have a lull in the conversation?) the little gentleman in the corner raises his hand (okay fine, he demands a chance to talk).

Michael: Who made the bread?
Mommy: Emily did. 
Michael: Emily, this bread is awesome.  Very good.

He is so polite.  The mother's heart swells with pride as she gazes at him.  What a gentleman.

Fast forward to the next meal.

Once again, the polite little gentleman demands a time to talk.

Michael: Who made the casserole?
Mommy: Erin made it

At this point, we are happily hoping his manners will shine through once again. 

Michael: Erin did you make this?
Erin: Yes, I did.

At this point Michael opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue and pronounces "Bluhhhhhh"!

Oh, surely not!!!!  What happened to the little gentleman happily complementing his sister?

Oh well!  Back to the training board!

Two Days!!!!!!

Special Tickers

Calm My Heart Oh God

Change the fear to gladness Lord.  
Make me see the blessings. 

Help me to smile and lift the hearts around me. 
Help me to see your hand.

As the stress turns to fear. 
Keep my eyes on you. 

The day will pass do quickly. 
It'll be over in a heartbeat. 

Keep my eyes on you
And calm my heart oh God. 

Change the fear to gladness Lord. 
Make me see the blessings. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

It is Almost Here!!!

I can't believe it, but it is true.  Today I saw that ERIN had posted on her blog what I had wanted to do on mine.  If you visit this page you can see that there are 3 days, 8 hours, 59 minutes, and 3 seconds until the big moment.  

I love it when we plug in the computer and I turn on the slideshow.  I love to hear the music of Lead on Oh King Eternal coming through the microphones.  Call me sentimental, but I love the words to that song.

Lead on, O King eternal,
The day of march has come;
Henceforth in fields of conquest
Thy tents shall be our home.
Through days of preparation
Thy grace has made us strong;
And now, O King eternal,
We lift our battle song.

Lead on, O King eternal,
Till sin’s fierce war shall cease,
And holiness shall whisper
The sweet amen of peace.
For not with swords’ loud clashing,
Nor roll of stirring drums;
With deeds of love and mercy
The heavenly kingdom comes.

Lead on, O King eternal,
We follow, not with fears,
For gladness breaks like morning
Where’er Thy face appears.
Thy cross is lifted over us,
We journey in its light;
The crown awaits the conquest;
Lead on, O God of might.

For Bible I am memorizing a special Bible verse.  I am going to post it with photos later... be on the look out.  
Keep us in your prayers... we are almost there and it is going to be AWESOME!!!  (or EPIC as my siblings would say!!!!)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tea Party Guest

A very cute little masked cowboy attended the tea party with me yesterday.  He was hard to take a picture of, but I think I finally got him.

Michael, you are a joy in our lives.  A precious gift from the Lord who knew our arms ached to hold another little gift.  Your fun loving spirit is a treasure to us!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sticky Summer Days

Side by Side
Sibling Love

Precious Faces
Sticky Fingers

Content in our Home
Happy to be Loved

Milky Faces
Chocolate Smiles

Drippy Faces
Messy Snack

Precious Siblings
Still So Little

Precious Days
Slipping By

Hold on to them!