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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Happy Ending

Some of you might have been wondering why our blog is called Farm Kids In Crocs.


Well here it is

We all where the Croc brand shoe

It's as simple as that.

We were all wondering what to name our blog

and Ryan said

"Well what about Farm Kids In Crocs?"

You know like Farmgirl In Flipflops Photography

We all thought about it for a moment and then said:


Do you like the header???

We have intended to do that for a header ever since we started the blog

But never did

I just finished it

and put it up there

That is done!!!

We have a header and everyone knows why our blog is called:

Farm Kids In Crocs

A happy ending!!!

~T~H~E ~ ~E~N~D~

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jessica's Tag

1. High heels or boots? Boots. If I had to choose. I really like my clogs or my Crocs

2. What time did you get up this morning?
7:00 am

3. What was the last movie you saw in the cinema? The Mysterious Islands. That was the first time since Chicken Run came out. I had more fun (watching the Mysterious Islands) than I did watching Chicken Run

4. What is your name? Jess. Before my Granddad died he always called me "J.P". The babies call me Gaga (Don't ask).

5. What is your favorite TV show?
Andy Griffith, but we watch it on DVD. Does that count?

6. What do you usually have for breakfast? Drop Biscuits or cinnamon Rolls

7.What is your middle name? Merrel

8.What food do you dislike? Brussel Sprouts (No offense to Mrs. Travers!) I am just not a big fan of most cooked veggies, I will eat them raw however.

9.What is your favorite CD at the moment? The Twelve Most Common Mistakes of Beginning Directors by Mr. Geoff Botkin.

10.What characteristic do you despise? Well, I love it when young adults love babies and little kids and want to talk to them. What is the opposite of that?

11.Favorite clothing? My brown work skirt and my red shirt

12.Anywhere in the world on vacation? HMMM? Canada?

13. Are you organized? Nope.

14. Where would you retire to? I love the way my sweet sister said it... "Well before you can retire you must have a job and I want to be a wife and mother someday and that is a job I would be happy to NEVER retire from". Amen?

15. What was your most recent memorable birthday? In a good way? My 15th when we had the Crawfords over. In a bad way? My 13th when Mommy miscarried one of my siblings I never met. Talk about a bad memory.

16. What are you going to do when you finish? Um... Read, go outside and run, or hmmm

17. What is your birthstone? Opal

18.Person you expect to publish this first? What does that mean?

19. When is your birthday? October 29th 1993 I will be 17. Yikes!

20. Are you a morning person or a night person? Well, once I am up in the morning I have more energy than at night.

21. What is your shoe size? 10

22. Do you own any animals? One annoying toothless Border Collie and one grouchy half blind calico cat. Both are 10 years old this year... but who's counting?

23. Any news you'd like to share? Well, I have a big recital coming up.

24. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A Mommy.

25. What is your favorite flower? A zinnia

26.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Sunday and the Masquerade Ball if we decide to go!

27. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? No idea.

28. How is the weather right now? Windy and Rainy!

29. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Daddy

30. Favorite drink? Water or Sprite!!!

31.Favorite restaurant? Chilies (But I don't really like to eat out.)

32. Hair color? Blond. Very blond

33. What was your favorite toy as a child? Baby and 'Nother one Baby... long story

34. Summer or winter? I don't know.

35. Chocolate or vanilla? CHOCOLATE,

36. Coffee or tea? Tea. I prefer cold sweet tea, but the Lees make some REALLY good hot tea!

37. Wish you were still young? Are you calling me old?

38. Do you want your friends to publish this? Depends on who to... horrible Grammar I know!

39. When was the last time you cried? Last week

40. What is under your bed? Books, Books, and um Books!

41.What did you do last night? Read and went to bed at 9:00

42.What are you afraid of? Guess.

43.Salty or sweet? Sweet

44.Best quality you have? I honestly don't know. Maybe my mom does?

45.How many years at your current job? 16 years of being the oldest daughter, oldest child, and playmate to 7 wonderful younger siblings. And I ma still going strong, but they are trying to marry me off!

46.Favorite day of the week? Sunday or Wednesday if we have piano lessons

47.What four people will you tag? Rachel, Daddy, Bria, and HMMM


1. High heels or boots? Boots to be sure! I've never owned a pair of high heels and I never will. And to tell the truth I wear my galoshes everywhere.

2. What time did you get up this morning?
6:00 a.m. O.k. fine and then I went back to sleep and slept until 6:45a.m.

3. What was the last movie you saw in the cinema? The Mysterious Islands which was the first time I'd been in a theater since Chicken Run. Whenever that came out. I loved the music and the way the whole place vibrated when they played the Bach Cello Suite, Now that was fun!!!

4. What is your name? Uh... OK don't rush me. Erin Taylor Won'tputmylastname. But I've always wanted to nick~name and be called Maestro or E.T.

5. What is your favorite TV show?
Well I don't watch T.V. I do remember watching The Andy Griffith Show with my Granddad when I was little but now we have it on DVD and there are WAY TOO MANY commercials on T.V. now so we didn't even really watch the Olympics. Gasp!!!

6. What do you usually have for breakfast? Pancakes or some creation called drop biscuits

7.What is your middle name? Taylor

8.What food do you dislike? Lunch meat.

9.What is your favorite CD at the moment? Well it's not really a C.D. just
Lovestory Meets Viva La Vida By Jon Schmidt as well as
And The Glory Of The Lord By G.F.Handel

10.What characteristic do you despise? I will not say

11.Favorite clothing?My brown skirt and black shirt with the collar

12.Anywhere in the world on vacation? Good question.

13. Are you organized? Oh yeah! Well kind of.

14. Where would you retire to? Well before you can retire you must have a job and I want to be a wife and mother someday and that is a job I would be happy to NEVER retire from.

15. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Uh... Hmmm... I'll think on that one and get back to you later.

16. What are you going to do when you finish? Play violin! Is there anything else to do in the world???

17. What is your birthstone? My word I don't know! I was born in November what does that make me?

18.Person you expect to publish this first? What does that mean?

19. When is your birthday? November 10th '95 and I will 15 this year.

20. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night to be sure. I always have a ton of energy right before bed and I will go to bed at 9:00 and not fall asleep until like 10:30 to 11:00.

21. What is your shoe size? 11

22. Do you own any animals? I by myself own 1 dog and as a family we own 4 dogs and 4 cats and want to get all sorts of farm animals.

23. Any news you'd like to share? Oh sure! Well come to think of it, no not really. Let me think... O.K. Here goes I have started training to run a 5k by the middle of April and I have a piano recital in June that I am freaked out about so I would like to request prayer that I will be able to memorize my piece and that I will be able to play it well and to the glory of God.

24. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A singer of all the ideas I grew out of that real quick!

25. What is your favorite flower? The Rose

26.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Sunday! I REALLY love Sunday!

27. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Bright Red

28. How is the weather right now? Gorgeous. Windy and Rainy! :)

29. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My brother Ryan who was upstairs and I called to tell him to come down and eat.

30. Favorite drink? Water!!!

31.Favorite restaurant? Chilies even though I don't really eat out.

32. Hair color? Blond

33. What was your favorite toy as a child? Dollhouse! And I still love to play dollhouse!

34. Summer or winter? SUMMER, SUMMER, SUMMER!!!

35. Chocolate or vanilla? CHOCOLATE,

36. Coffee or tea? Tea! Hot, cold, sweet, plain, with milk, without milk, anything will do.

37. Wish you were still young? NO WAY JOSE! I like bein' old!

38. Do you want your friends to publish this? What ever in the world does THAT mean?

39. When was the last time you cried? Oh I NEVER cry!
Well o.k. sometimes

40. What is under your bed? A plastic keyboard and shoes.

41.What did you do last night? Went to bed.

42.What are you afraid of? Guess.

43.Salty or sweet? Sweet

44.Best quality you have? Oh let me tell you just how humble I am!

45.How many years at your current job? For 14 years I ain't been doin' nothin'

46.Favorite day of the week? Sunday!

47.What four people will you tag?
Jessica, Mommy, All our followers, and Seeds To Sew

Monday, March 22, 2010

This Is My Pa

This is what he sent us as a e~mail this afternoon.
We thought it just might be worth sharing.

Friday, March 19, 2010

God is the Ruler yet...

As the government tries desperately to break the Constitution in every possible way remember...

This is my Father's world.
I rest me in the thought
That though the wrong seems oft' so strong
God is the ruler yet."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Lost History

Yesterday we went to our great grandmother's house for lunch. While we were there Daddy found the old 8mm film reels and projector. WOW. Years of family history in black and white with no sound are recorded on these reels.

Her small cramped writing has neatly labeled them for years and years as her family grew.

A Lost History of family memories and loved ones. Makes you think, doesn't it?



More photos and sentimentality tomorrow :)

Friday, March 12, 2010



The other night we went to have dinner with some wonderful friends we know.
We played soccer, capture the flag, dressed up, played a board game, and all in all had more fun then I've had in years.
It was a ton of fun!
Thank you L. family!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Insert Name Here

My brother just asked me, "When are you going to get married? Anytime soon?"

To which I replied, "Dearest, I am ONLY 16!".

He then proceeded to say..."well blank is only blank years old and he is pretty nice."

No, did not name anyone. He said it just as I wrote it. However I did quell any further speeches.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am speechless

Rachel and Riley swing together a lot. He rides in the baby swing and she rides beside him. She also flips upside down and scares me to DEATH!!! Just kidding. Although, it is a mite nerve racking to watch her!!

The Vanishing World

In God we trust... How much longer will it remain?

Something to ponder... do we still trust in God for our nation?


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Who can identify this?

The Photographer in our family did I don't know what to the camera and so you have THIS!